Principal Secretary (ies);
KNBS Board Chairman;
Director General KNBS;
Director CETRAD;
Director CDE;
Members of the Diplomatic Corps;
Representatives of Development Partners;
Representatives from various Ministries;
Members of the Fourth Estate;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Let me take this opportunity to welcome you all to this official launch of the Kenya Socio-Economic Atlas Report. The report highlights socio-economic development indicators based on the 2009 Population and Housing Census and 2005/6 Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey data. This is the first report that presents socio-economic development indicators spatially at the sub-location level, is a culmination of a national welfare and poverty mapping project that was initiated in 2011.
From the outset, allow me to sincerely thank Kenya National Bureau of Statistics for their central role in preparation of this report in collaboration with Centre for Training and Integrated Research for ASAL Development (CETRAD) and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Berne, Switzerland. In the same breath, let me also take this opportunity to express the Government’s gratitude to the Swiss Government and in particular, the different institutions and projects including the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and the Institute of Geography both of the University of Bern; Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme (ESAPP) and National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR), both funded by the Swiss Development Corporation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation. I also recognise the additional support from the Volkswagen Foundation. Last but not least, I laud the University of Bern for the invaluable technical support in the entire process of developing this Atlas.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
National planning requires comprehensive statistical information to ensure decisions are based on sound analysis. Indeed, timely and accurate data provides backbone of evidence-based public policy, which helps bring about meaningful reforms and policy improvements that, in turn, facilitate performance-based management. Hence Socio-Economic Atlas is a policy tool that will provide fact-based insights useful for planning. In addition, the Atlas will be an invaluable input for policy and decision making at all levels of governance. The County Government Act No. 17 of 2012 Part XI obligates counties to develop a ten year Geographical Information System (GIS) based spatial plans, which are envisaged to drive county governance. The Atlas we are launching today will form a basis for these plans. It is envisaged that it will trigger debate on the various aspects of development of the Country at both national and county levels.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
This atlas arrives at a crucial development moment following the new era of devolved government, launch of the Second Medium Term Plan (2013–2017) and the forthcoming post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals agenda. The development and implementation of these national development plans and other strategies will benefit greatly from the analysis of socio-economic indicators in this atlas. For instance, the atlas depicts interlinkages of poverty and natural resource use which will aid in making informed decisions.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Institutions strive for a world that is just, equitable and inclusive, and committed to work together to promote sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection and thereby to benefit all, in particular the children of the world, youth and future generations of the world without distinction of any kind. The world is now changing at a faster rate than at any other time in our history. New technologies are emerging faster than we can get used to the existing ones. Demographic profiles are changing across most of the world. Social transformations are re-defining and altering traditions and values. Democracy too, is becoming more and more entrenched. Nearer home, mobile telephony has revolutionized how we socialize, do business and even study and devolution has brought about a complete paradigm shift in governance. The socio-economic indicators in the atlas depict these changes and trends to enable informed planning.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
The launch of the Socio-Economic Atlas Report is just but one of many reports that are scheduled to be released by the Bureau to inform policy makers at the different levels of governance and development partners. It is expected that we should take advantage of the information available to inform our programmes.
In conc lusion, Ladies and Gentlemen;
My ministry takes note of the important role played by the media in informing and in shaping the public opinion. Hence I call upon you to partner with us and play that pivotal role in informing the general populace of results, developments and new events in the statistical fields.
The Atlas team has an ambitious dissemination plan up to the lowest devolved unit. In that regard, I would like to call upon the media to work with us in the dissemination exercise so that this report can be used to inform decision-making and planning at lowest level.
I hereby, Ladies and Gentlemen, declare the National Socio-Economic Atlas officially launched.
Thank you.