Publication Name | Final day of reference period | Frequency | Expected Release Date |
Consumer Price Index (July, 2023) | 31-Jul-2023 | Monthly | 31-Jul-2023 |
Leading Economic Indicators (May 2023) | 31-May-2023 | Monthly | 31-Jul-2023 |
Consumer Price Index (August, 2023) | 31-Jul-2023 | Monthly | 31-Aug-2023 |
Leading Economic Indicators (June 2023) | 30-Jun-2023 | Monthly | 31-Aug-2023 |
The Gross County Product | 31-Dec-2022 | Annually | 31-Aug-2023 |
Consumer Price Index (Sep-2023) | 29-Sep-2023 | Monthly | 29-Sep-2023 |
Leading Economic Indicators (July 2023) | 31-Jul-2023 | Monthly | 30-Sep-2023 |
Gross Domestic Product - Quarter 2 (2023) | 30-Jun-2023 | Quarterly | 30-Sep-2023 |
Balance of Payments Quarter 2 2023 | 30-Jun-2023 | Quarterly | 30-Sep-2023 |
Producer Price Indices - Quarter 3 (2023) | 30-Sep-2023 | Quarterly | 30-Sep-2023 |
Construction Input Price Index -Quarter 3 (2023) | 30-Sep-2023 | Quarterly | 30-Sep-2023 |
Consumer Price Index (October, 2023) | 31-Oct-2023 | Monthly | 31-Oct-2023 |
Leading Economic Indicators (August 2023) | 31-Aug-2023 | Monthly | 31-Oct-2023 |
Consumer Price Index (November, 2023) | 30-Nov-2023 | Monthly | 30-Nov-2023 |
Statistical Abstract | 31-Dec-2022 | Annually | 30-Nov-2023 |
Leading Economic Indicators (September 2023) | 30-Sep-2023 | Monthly | 30-Nov-2023 |
Consumer Price Index (December, 2023) | 29-Dec-2023 | Monthly | 29-Dec-2023 |
Leading Economic Indicators (October 2023) | 31-Oct-2023 | Monthly | 31-Dec-2023 |
Gross Domestic Product - Quarter 3 (2023) | 30-Sep-2023 | Quarterly | 31-Dec-2023 |
Balance of Payments - Quarter 3 (2023) | 30-Sep-2023 | Quarterly | 31-Dec-2023 |
Producer Price Indices - Quarter 4 (2023) | 31-Dec-2023 | Quarterly | 31-Dec-2023 |
Construction Input Price Index -Quarter 4 (2023) | 31-Dec-2023 | Quarterly | 31-Dec-2023 |
Consumer Price Index (January, 2024) | 31-Jan-2024 | Monthly | 31-Jan-2024 |
Leading Economic Indicators (November 2023) | 30-Nov-2023 | Monthly | 31-Jan-2024 |
Consumer Price Index (February, 2024) | 29-Feb-2024 | Monthly | 29-Feb-2024 |
Leading Economic Indicators (December 2023) | 31-Dec-2023 | Monthly | 29-Feb-2024 |
Consumer Price Index (March, 2024) | 29-Mar-2024 | Monthly | 29-Mar-2024 |
Leading Economic Indicators (January 2024) | 31-Jan-2024 | Monthly | 31-Mar-2024 |
Producer Price Indices - Quarter 1 (2024) | 31-Mar-2024 | Quarterly | 31-Mar-2024 |
Construction Input Price Index -Quarter 1 (2024) | 31-Mar-2024 | Quarterly | 31-Mar-2024 |
Consumer Price Index (April, 2024) | 30-Apr-2024 | Monthly | 30-Apr-2024 |
Kenya Facts and Figures Report | 30-Dec-2023 | Annually | 30-Apr-2024 |
Economic Survey 2024 Report | 30-Dec-2023 | Annually | 30-Apr-2024 |
Leading Economic Indicators (February 2024) | 29-Feb-2024 | Monthly | 30-Apr-2024 |
Consumer Price Index (May, 2024) | 31-May-2024 | Monthly | 31-May-2024 |
Leading Economic Indicators (March 2024) | 31-Mar-2024 | Monthly | 31-May-2024 |
Consumer Price Index (June, 2024) | 28-Jun-2024 | Monthly | 28-Jun-2024 |
Leading Economic Indicators (April 2024) | 30-Apr-2024 | Monthly | 30-Jun-2024 |
Gross Domestic Product- Quarter 1 (2024) | 31-Mar-2023 | Quarterly | 30-Jun-2024 |
Balance of Payments - Quarter 1 (2024) | 31-Mar-2023 | Quarterly | 30-Jun-2024 |
Producer Price Indices-Quarter 2 (2024) | 30-Jun-2024 | Quarterly | 30-Jun-2024 |
Construction Input Price Index -Quarter 2 (2024) | 30-Jun-2024 | Quarterly | 30-Jun-2024 |
SDGs National Indicator Framework | 31-Dec-2023 | Annually | 30-Jun-2024 |