This Abstract has been prepared by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. The tables have been compiled partly from statistics collected directly by the Bureau through Surveys and Censuses and also from statistics compiled by other Departments of Government and other organizations. The source of the statistical data is shown under each table. The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics is also responsible for the preparation of the Economic Survey and Leading Economic Indicators in which emphasis is placed on current statistics for which monthly and quarterly series are available.
In addition, reports are published on the various regular and ad hoc statistical surveys undertaken by the Bureau. Whereas these publications aim at providing statistical coverage of the important fields of economic, financial and social activity in Kenya, the published material may not meet detailed requirements of all users. Additional information, whenever available, will be supplied by the Bureau on request, although in certain circumstances, depending on the amount of work involved in extracting the required particulars, it may be necessary to make a charge. [wpdm_package id=4660 template=”link-template-calltoaction3.php”]