Statistical Coordination & Methods Directorate

Key Responsibilities

The Directorate is responsible for promoting effective statistical coordination of the National Statistical System (NSS), quality assurance on standards and best practices, monitoring and evaluation, and research.

The Directorate also executes sampling for sample surveys, data processing, analysis and dissemination.

The Directorate is headed by a Director, Statistical Coordination and Methods who is responsible to Director-General for the following functions;

  1. Coordinate, monitor and supervise NSS programmes;
  2. Undertake research on specialized statistical areas and new areas of statistics methodology;
  3. Promote the use of best practices and methods in the production and dissemination of statistical information across the National Statistical System (NSS);
  4. Establish Statistical standards and assess the quality of statistics produced;
  5. Harmonization of national and international development indicators;
  6. Design, develop, update and manage sampling frames;
  7. Design sample surveys and estimation procedures;
  8. Undertake data entry, processing, analysis and dissemination;
  9. Maintain statistical coordination and methods database(s);
  10. Coordinate the operations of field services;
  11. Generate development related indicators data; and
  12. Prepare relevant Chapters in the Annual Economic Surveys and Statistical Abstract.


The Directorate is organized into four (4) divisions, namely;

  1. Research and Development Division
  2. National Statistical System (NSS) Division
  3. Sampling, Methods and Standards Division
  4. Field Services Division
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