The Directorate also executes sampling for sample surveys, data processing, analysis and dissemination.
The Directorate is headed by a Director, Statistical Coordination and Methods who is responsible to Director-General for the following functions;
- Coordinate, monitor and supervise NSS programmes;
- Undertake research on specialized statistical areas and new areas of statistics methodology;
- Promote the use of best practices and methods in the production and dissemination of statistical information across the National Statistical System (NSS);
- Establish Statistical standards and assess the quality of statistics produced;
- Harmonization of national and international development indicators;
- Design, develop, update and manage sampling frames;
- Design sample surveys and estimation procedures;
- Undertake data entry, processing, analysis and dissemination;
- Maintain statistical coordination and methods database(s);
- Coordinate the operations of field services;
- Generate development related indicators data; and
- Prepare relevant Chapters in the Annual Economic Surveys and Statistical Abstract.