The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) in a tripartite collaboration with the Centre for Training and Integrated Research for ASAL Development (CETRAD) and the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Berne, is undertaking a project to produce a high resolution National Socio-Economic and Poverty Atlas for Kenya. The atlas is aimed at promoting evidence-based planning at both National and devolved levels.
This comprises of maps that are presented up to the sub-location level covering different themes including population demographics, education, water and sanitation, labour, information and communication technology, and welfare. This is an on-going project whose final product is expected soon.
Provided below is a list of sample maps which readers can download to review and give feedback on the adequacy of the product.
Proportion of Households Using Solid Fuels for Cooking
Proportion of Households with Owner Occupier Tenancy
Proportion of People with Access to Mobile (Cellular) Phone Services
Proportion of Households Using Electricity for Lighting
Distribution of Households by Predominant Floor Material of the Main Dwelling Unit
This is an on-going project whose final product is expected soon.
Below are samples of the maps for readers to review and give feedback on the adequacy of the product.